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Lent for Everyone
Mark Year B

...I checked my watch once more, and looked again in my diary. Yes: this was indeed the place we had agreed to meet. And this really was the time we had set. But where was my guest?

It was only then that I noticed a man standing on the far side of the station platform, looking as though he, too, was waiting for someone. But surely . . . I had been imagining someone much older. He was, after all, a highly respected scientist, come to address a student society. I had envisaged a dark suit or coat, a discreet tie, greying hair, perhaps a briefcase. Instead, this man was wearing jeans and a sweater, and was carrying a plastic shopping bag.

He caught my eye. ‘You’re not . . .’ Yes; it was him. The place was right, the time was spot on. It was only my expectations that were out of line. We had a great evening...

Taken from Lent for Everyone Mark Year B by Tom Wright

Publisher: SPCK - view more
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