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Proper 5

1 Kings 17.8–24
Galatians 1.11–24
Luke 7.11–17

Luke has, fairly obviously, told the story of the widow’s son at Nain in such a way as to evoke the similar story of Elijah and the widow’s son at Zarephath – who, interestingly, was already referred to in Jesus’ ‘Nazareth manifesto’ (4.26). Luke elsewhere makes it clear that Jesus is to be seen as Messiah, and indeed more than Messiah. This does not exclude, but rather takes up within itself, the fact that he was first and foremost seen as ‘a prophet mighty in word and deed’ (24.19). This is one of many stories that prepares the way for that conclusion, simultaneously tying Jesus in to the long story of Israel and showing him bringing that story to its triumphant climax...

Publisher: SPCK - view more
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