Philip and the Ethiopian
Taken from Acts for Everyone part 1
Philip and the Ethiopian
Acts 8.26-40
I was once visiting Cambridge (the English Cambridge, not the American one) to do some lectures. One afternoon I was working on the themes for the lectures still to come, when I found to my surprise an urgent thought in my head: Go to Evensong at King’s College. Now I love Choral Evensong; but I was going to be attending other services, I had lots of work to do, and if I had been going to attend Evensong I might have thought of going to St John’s College, whose choir was the more famous at that time. But the thought wouldn’t leave me alone. Back and back it came: Go to Evensong at King’s. So eventually, feeling rather foolish, and not even sure what time the service was to be, I went...
Taken from Acts for Everyone Part 1 by Tom Wright