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How to use this book
Festivals Together

There are fifteen festival outlines in this book, each of them offering something different. They range from the familiar occasions such as Mothering Sunday to the solemn days of Holy Week.1 The ideas that are offered are jumping-off points, and can be adapted and developed in tune with the local situation. It is important to learn what will work in your environment, both practically and emotionally. There are physical limitations and opportunities that differ, and there are congregations that enjoy some approaches to worship, while other activities can be a stumbling block. Although all of these outlines offer different ideas, in reality it is valuable to build confidence through familiarity. Using the same words is important as it enables people to create a memory bank of sacred texts which they can use with ease, allowing them to experience a sense of belonging...

Taken from Festivals Together by Sandra Millar
Publisher: SPCK - view more
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