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An interactive story based on John 2 v 1 - 11, the Wedding at Cana, or Jesus turns the water into wine.

The new wine?! Oh Yes!!!

Based on John 2 v 1-11 – Jesus changed the water into wine
This is an interactive story to illustrate the story of the Wedding at Cana. It tries to capture the essence of the story that obedience to Jesus can bring transformation.
The instructions are simple:
When narrator says – ‘……thought’ the congregation say ‘Oh No’.
When narrator says –‘….said’ the congregation say ‘Oh Yes’.
All to be said with expression suitable to the story.
(Just think of the current Churchill Insurance advert where the dog says ‘Oh Yes’)

Three days after Jesus was baptised,
Jesus and his disciples were invited to a wedding.
Would you like to come to the wedding the brides mum asked?
Jesus said, ‘Oh Yes!’
The disciples said, ‘Oh Yes!’
Mary, Jesus’ Mum was there too.
Her friends asked, ‘Is that your eldest son, Jesus?’
With a mothers pride Mary said, ‘Oh yes!!’
Perhaps, with a son’s embarrassment, Jesus thought, ‘Oh no!!’
He’s become quite a man!!
With more mother’s pride Mary said, ‘Oh yes!’
Perhaps, with more son’s embarrassment, Jesus thought, ‘Oh no!!’


Meryl White: 12/01/2013

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