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Poem: Empty words
Poem: Empty words
by Marjorie Dobson
Empty words from those who live in luxury and despise the poor. Empty words from those who enquire after the sick, but never visit them. Empty words from those who offer hollow sympathy, but never weep with those in sorrow. Empty words... Continues ©Marjorie Dobson
Christmas affirmation
Christmas affirmation
by Richard Steel
A simple Q and A style creed with a focus on the Christmas story Do you believe and trust in God the Father? I believe in God, the Father almighty, creator of heaven and earth. Who loved me so much that He sent His son, Jesus, to be born in a stable, to be ‘Emmanuel’ – God with u
Festivals Together - Past, present and future
Festivals Together - Past, present and future
by SPCK - Sandra Millar
Past, present and future Remembrance Sunday Remembrance Sunday is often one of the few occasions in the church year where those gathered are truly of all ages. There will be men and women in their eighties and nineties and there will be young children from Brownies and Beavers, w
Festivals Together - Children for a change
Festivals Together - Children for a change
by SPCK - Sandra Millar
Children for a change St Nicholas (6 December) Unless your church is named after St Nicholas, it’s unlikely you will have celebrated this as a festival. But it’s a great opportunity to focus on children and families, and might make part of a special event during the approach to C
Festivals Together - No time like the present
Festivals Together - No time like the present
by SPCK - Sandra Millar
No Time like the present Christmas Day Some churches have a strong tradition of family attendance on Christmas Day, while others seem to have a small gathering of regulars. There may also be visitors present, some familiar with church, others not. Whatever group are present, the
Festivals Together - The first time ever
Festivals Together - The first time ever
by SPCK - Sandra Millar
The first time ever Easter Sunday Easter Sunday should be the most joyful event in the church year. Our churches are at their best on Easter Sunday, with glorious flowers and, where used, wonderful vestments. In the past churchgoers would wear their best – hence the tradition of
Festivals Together - Fire, wind and adventure
Festivals Together - Fire, wind and adventure
by SPCK - Sandra Millar
Fire, wind and adventure Pentecost Pentecost is a much less well-known festival, both in our culture and even in the church calendar, yet it is not just theologically significant but also rich in some of our more well-known symbols. The energy and excitement that emanate from the
Festivals Together - Holding the baby
Festivals Together - Holding the baby
by SPCK - Sandra Millar
Holding the baby Father’s Day Festivals Together Unlike Mothering Sunday, Father’s Day holds no place in the church calendar. Yet over the past fifty years it has grown massively in importance within UK culture. Children will prepare for it with the same enthusiasm as they employ
Festivals Together - Feast with friends, sing with saints
Festivals Together - Feast with friends, sing with saints
Feast with friends, sing with saints All Saints’ Day (1 November) All Saints’ Day falls on 1 November, and is largely irrelevant to our contemporary culture. It happens to be the day after 31 October, or Hallowe’en, now a massive event for children and families. It is also the da
Festivals Together - Light in the dark
Festivals Together - Light in the dark
by SPCK - Sandra Millar
Light in the dark Easter Vigil The Easter Vigil may be held on Saturday evening, or very early on Sunday morning. It is one of the great treasures in the Church’s store of worship, and yet is rarely seen in terms of an event which can engage children and those on the edge of the
Worship Together - New life for everyone
Worship Together - New life for everyone
by SPCK - Sandra Millar
April- New life for everyone Worship Together In the companion volume to this book, Festivals Together, there are some special outlines for use at the various Easter festivals. This outline is to be used on a Sunday immediately following Easter and picks up on Easter themes. The
Worship Together - Bodies, places and spaces
Worship Together - Bodies, places and spaces
by SPCK - Sandra Millar
Bodies, places and spaces Creating all-age worship: the key components Part 1: Worship Together Churches are amazing spaces. Whether a whitewashed medieval stone building or a 1990s brick-built hall, these spaces are often the largest that we engage with during our week. If we go
Worship Together - Skeletons and Shapes
Worship Together - Skeletons and Shapes
by SPCK - Sandra Millar
Skeletons and Shapes Creating all-age worship: the key components Part 1: Worship Together When my niece was about 4 years old I took her with me to a mid-week Book of Common Prayer Eucharist in the market-town Anglican church near where she lived. She was at the age when doing a
Holy Week 4: Easter day is the datum point of our Faith
Holy Week 4: Easter day is the datum point of our Faith
by David Perry
Holy Week 4: Easter day is the datum point of our Faith Reflection accompanying image “Zero point datum on York Station” Waiting on York Station last week I happened upon the Zero Post. What I read on the plaque above it straightaway sparked off thoughts of Easter. "The centre of
Holy Week 2: Good Friday judges the Church
Holy Week 2: Good Friday judges the Church
by David Perry
Holy Week 2: Good Friday judges the Church Reflection accompanying image “The curtain of the temple was torn in two” and "You can't evict an idea". On Good Friday in Jerusalem, as Jesus died, we are told that the sky went dark, an earthquake struck, and the curtain in the Temple
Festivals Together - Parade with passion