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Clouds and Glory Year A - The First Sunday of Christmas - Year A
Clouds and Glory Year A - The First Sunday of Christmas - Year A
by SPCK - David Adam
The First Sunday of Christmas Isaiah 63.7-9: Ps. 148. [1-6] 7-14 : Hebrews 2. 10-18 : Matthew 2. 13-23 Opening Prayer, Prayer of Intercession, The Peace and The Blessing. Father, we remember before you all who are persecuted for their faith, those imprisoned for their beliefs, Fa…
Clouds and Glory Year A - The First Sunday of Advent - Year A
Clouds and Glory Year A - The First Sunday of Advent - Year A
by SPCK - David Adam
The First Sunday of Advent Isaiah 2:1-5, Ps.122, Romans 13:11-14, Matthew 24:36-44 Opening Prayer, Prayer of Intercession, The Peace and The Blessing. Lord, you are ever among us. Open our eyes to your presence, that your church may be true to its mission, that each congregation …
Clouds and Glory Year A - The Second Sunday of Christmas - Year A
Clouds and Glory Year A - The Second Sunday of Christmas - Year A
by SPCK - David Adam
The Second Sunday of Christmas Jeremiah 31. 7-14 : Ps. 147. 12-20 : Or: Ecclus. 24.1-12 : Canticle: Wisdom of Solomon 10. 15-21 : Ephesians 1. 3-14 : John 1. [1-9]10-18 Opening Prayer, Prayer of Intercession, The Peace and The Blessing. Holy Father, we pray that the church may pr…
Clouds and Glory Year A - The Second Sunday of Advent - Year A
Clouds and Glory Year A - The Second Sunday of Advent - Year A
by SPCK - David Adam
The Second Sunday of Advent Isaiah 11: 1-10, Ps. 72. 1-7 [18-19], Romans 15: 4-13, Matthew 3:1-12 Opening Prayer, Prayer of Intercession, The Peace and The Blessing. In God's power, in his peace, in his presence, we place ourselves today. Holy God, Holy and Strong One, Holy and M…
Clouds and Glory Year A - The Third Sunday of Advent - Year A
Clouds and Glory Year A - The Third Sunday of Advent - Year A
by SPCK - David Adam
The Third Sunday of Advent Isaiah 35. 1-10: Ps. 146. 5-10 : or Canticle: Magnificat: James 5.7-10 : Matthew 11. 2-11 Almighty God, who through the prophets promised that light would conquer the darkness, shine in our hearts and in our minds, and so use us that we may lead others …
Clouds and Glory Year A - The Third Sunday of Epiphany - Year A
Clouds and Glory Year A - The Third Sunday of Epiphany - Year A
by SPCK - David Adam
The Third Sunday of Epiphany Isaiah 9.1-4: Ps. 27.1 [2-3]4-9: 1 Corinthians 1. 10-18: Matthew 4.12-23 Lord God, you are almighty; in your great power renew, refresh, restore us, that we may live and work to your praise and glory; through Jesus Christ our Lord who is alive and rei…
Hymn: Now in the face of Christ we see
Hymn: Now in the face of Christ we see
by Andrew Pratt
Now in the face of Christ we see God's living glory shine, no false reflection mirrored here, no metaphor or sign. This is the name above all names, who lived and moved and breathed, who felt our grief and knew our pain, now humanly conceived. Verses 3-4 follow Tune: GRAFENBERG, …
Hymn: Robed in righteousness and beauty
Hymn: Robed in righteousness and beauty
by Andrew Pratt
Robed in righteousness and beauty, all affliction laid aside, lift the diadem of mercy, love will never be denied. Know that God has loved you dearly, know that God is loving still; Know God's love is everlasting. God has loved and ever will. Verse 3 follows Tune: ANIMAE HOMINUM;…
Lectionary Reflections Year A - The Second Sunday Before Lent Year A
Lectionary Reflections Year A - The Second Sunday Before Lent Year A
by SPCK - Jane Williams
The Second Sunday Before Lent - Year A Genesis 1.1–23 Romans 8.18–25 Matthew 6.25–34 Today’s Gospel reading reminds us how important it is not simply to take all passages of Scripture and apply them directly to ourselves, as though they had no original context and no intervening …
Genesis for Everyone Part 1 - The Expulsion and Its Consequences
Genesis for Everyone Part 1 - The Expulsion and Its Consequences
by SPCK - John Goldingay
The Expulsion and Its Consequences Genesis 3: 23-24 I was once walking through the seminary campus when I spotted a former student, whom I had known quite well, sitting in a patio area with rather a disconsolate look. When I asked him if he was OK, he replied, “I’ve made a train …
Gazing on the Gospels year c - The Seventh Sunday of Easter Year C
Gazing on the Gospels year c - The Seventh Sunday of Easter Year C
by SPCK - Judith Dimond
The Seventh Sunday of Easter John 17.20-26 Gaze on the disciples, trudging down the hillside after the Ascension, overwhelmed by the shock of losing the presence of Jesus yet again. Will absence make the heart grow fonder, or will it be a case of ‘out of sight, out of mind’? Some…
Gazing on the Gospels Year C - Trinity Sunday Year C
Gazing on the Gospels Year C - Trinity Sunday Year C
by SPCK - Judith Dimond
Trinity Sunday John 16: 12-15 Gaze on one of the great triptychs of medieval painting. These three-panelled paintings can be seen in all the great museums and some of the old cathedrals in Europe, displayed behind the altar. The main panel is flanked on either side by another, ti…
Twelve Months of Sundays Year A - The Second Sunday of Christmas Year A
Twelve Months of Sundays Year A - The Second Sunday of Christmas Year A
by SPCK - N T Wright
The Second Sunday of Christmas - Year A Jeremiah 31: 7-14 Ephesians 1: 3-14 John 1: 1-18 C. S. Lewis said that it sometimes seemed an anticlimax to move from the broad poetic sweep of the Old Testament to the narrow focus and seemingly mundane concern of the New. No chance of tha…
John for Everyone part 2 - Glory and Blindness
John for Everyone part 2 - Glory and Blindness
by SPCK - N T Wright
Glory and Blindness John 12.37-43 It was seven o’clock in the evening when Susan called the family in. She had worked hard all day to prepare this meal, and she was excited, eyes sparkling, on edge to see what they would say. Delicious smells came from the kitchen. She sat them d…
Lent for Everyone Year A - Saturday: Week 1 in Lent Year A
Lent for Everyone Year A - Saturday: Week 1 in Lent Year A
by SPCK - N T Wright
EK 1: SATURDAY Matthew 17.1– 9 Imagine yourself as a fifth member of the party, going up the mountain with Jesus leading the way, Peter beside him, and James and John following too. The last days and weeks have been utterly bewildering. Nothing like this has happened to you befor…
Twelve Months of Sundays Year A - Seventh Sunday of Easter Year A
Twelve Months of Sundays Year A - Seventh Sunday of Easter Year A
by SPCK - N T Wright
The Seventh Sunday of Easter - Year A (Sunday after Ascension Day) Acts 1.6–14 1 Peter 4.12–14; 5.6–11 John 17.1–11 ‘When his glory is revealed.’ The ascension gives us a glimpse in advance of the great truth which will one day be unveiled – or rather, the glorious Person who wil…
Twelve Months of Sunday year c - The Seventh Sunday of Easter Year C
Twelve Months of Sunday year c - The Seventh Sunday of Easter Year C
by SPCK - N T Wright
The Seventh Sunday of Easter (Sunday after Ascension Day) Acts 16.16–34 Revelation 22.12–14, 16–17, 20–21 John 17.20–end If Luke had wanted to play down the trouble caused by the gospel, he would quietly have omitted the Philippi story. Healing for one person means loss of money …
Poem: O what a place for living, divine accommodation