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This is the first in a series of five mediations based on the Journeys in Holy Week.

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Close your eyes and allow yourself to enter the scene in your imagination.

Feel the roughness of the donkey's neck and mane, the texture of the cloaks thrown over it.

Sense the nervousness of the young colt as it approaches the unfamiliar smells and sounds of Jerusalem.

Listen to the sounds of the city, the hooves on the street, the noise of people jostling, the shouts of 'Hosanna!'


This is one of the many resources to be found in the book Sensing God, creative ideas and resources for creative worship by Stella Bristow.  Click here for an introduction to the book.


Alternatively click here to purchase book.

To see all the Journey in Holy Week downloads and other resources from Sensing God relating to Lent and Easter, enter SBSG in the Search Box.

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