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The Prayers within this act of worship can be downloaded separately. 

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Preparation: Drape a piece of white material over a low table making sure that it covers the table and legs. Stand on this a five-branched candlestick or five individual candles, to be lit later. Four of the candles should be of different colours, the centre candle being a white one.

The event: None of the disciples believed in the risen Jesus until they saw him for themselves. They had seen him condemned to death, and each one believed only when they had seen him after his death on the cross. It was first-hand experience. So, why are we surprised at Thomas? He was not there when Jesus appeared to the others, so why should he believe them? Remember, we know the end of the story – they did not.

Thomas wanted more than just to ‘see’ – he needed to touch. Mary, though, was told not to touch. There’s a difference; touching for sight and touching to cling on to what was. The prayers are also available as a separate download.


This is one of the many resources to be found in the book Sensing God, creative ideas and resources for creative worship by Stella Bristow.  Click here for an introduction to the book.

Alternatively click here to purchase book.

To see all available downloads from Sensing God relating to Lent and Easter, enter SBSG in the Search Box.


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