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Hold on Tight!
HEBREWS 3.14-19

Nobody wants to fall asleep while driving a car. But a remarkable number of people do it.

In the UK at least, there are now signs on the major roads that warn motorists of the danger of sleepy driving. ‘Tiredness can kill,’ they say. You’d think it would be obvious; fancy hurtling down the road at 70 miles an hour while being sound asleep. The newspapers have recently reported that the courts are going to impose much more severe penalties for people who have gone to sleep at the wheel and caused serious or fatal accidents.

But I know how it happens. Two or three times in my life I have found myself, of necessity, driving late at night after a long, tiring day. Even if you stop regularly and drink a lot of coffee, there comes a point when the whole body is sending signals to the brain, to the imagination, to the will, whispering louder and louder that it wouldn’t matter if you just shut your eyes for a moment . . . it would only be for a minute or two . . .after all, the car’s going along quite merrily just now, surely it can do without you just for a couple of seconds . . .

Taken from Hebrews for Everyone – by Tom Wright

Publisher: SPCK - view more
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