Lectionary 09/03/2025
- First Sunday of/in Lent - Year C
Lectionary Readings
Luke 4:1-13
Lent Liturgy 1
Lent Liturgy 1
by John Birch
A liturgy for the first Sunday in Lent (or simply as part of the Lent season) with responsive prayer and a reading for up to 3 people. Love has its source in you Creator God Flows from you like an ocean into a world as unyielding as any shoreline cliff And like the ocean which ba
Luke for Everyone - Temptation in the Wilderness
Luke for Everyone - Temptation in the Wilderness
by SPCK - N T Wright
Temptation in the Wilderness Luke 4.1-13 Jesus was not Superman. Many today, including some devout Christians, see him as a kind of Christian version of the movie character, able to do whatever he wanted, to ‘zap’ reality into any shape he liked. In the movies, Superman looks lik
Worship Together - March - A journey for everyone
Worship Together - March - A journey for everyone
by SPCK - Sandra Millar
March- A journey for everyone This outline uses as its key texts the story of Jesus’ temptations and the classic Ash Wednesday readings as a starting point. The journey is that made by Jesus out into the wilderness but also the journey we make through the weeks of Lent. During th
Gazing on the Gospels year c - The First Sunday of Lent Year C
Gazing on the Gospels year c - The First Sunday of Lent Year C
by SPCK - Judith Dimond
The First Sunday of Lent Luke 4.1-13 Gaze on Jesus in the wilderness. Gaze on the harsh monochrome of fear and confusion, on the hard bed of stones that brings no comfort. Imagine forty days without the scent of grass, his feet cut raw against the ragged paths, as he searches for
Twelve Months of Sunday year c - The First Sunday of Lent Year C
Twelve Months of Sunday year c - The First Sunday of Lent Year C
by SPCK - N T Wright
The First Sunday of Lent Deuteronomy 26.1–11 Romans 10.8b–13 Luke 4.1–13 These readings are not about ‘temptation’ so much as about true worship. Jesus recognized his temptations as distractions from worshipping and trusting the one true God. To see temptation in terms of rules w
Lectionary Reflection Year C - The First Sunday of Lent Year C
Lectionary Reflection Year C - The First Sunday of Lent Year C
by SPCK - Jane Williams
The First Sunday of Lent Deuteronomy 26.1–11 Romans 10.8b–13 Luke 4.1–13 Proust’s great theme is that without memory there is no character or understanding. One of the things that is so appealing about his work is that the small memories are at least as significant as the huge
Poem: What the Devil …?
Poem: What the Devil …?
by Marjorie Dobson
Poem: What the Devil …? The Devil tempting Jesus in the desert didn’t wear a red body stocking and a cloak, or carry a pitchfork, or have a black beard and fierce eyes, and there was certainly no tail to be seen. That would have given the game away far too easily. No, The Devil t
When we fail temptation's testing
When we fail temptation's testing
by Andrew Pratt
When we fail temptation's testing, find our conscience sleeping, resting, hear your people's true confession, bring your grace to make us whole. Give us time for reparation, through your mercy, re-creation, yet when time prevents forgiving may your grace still make us whole. Vers
Monologue: Temptation – Hungry wasn't in it!
Monologue: Temptation – Hungry wasn't in it!
by Andrew Pratt
Monologue: Temptation – Hungry wasn't in it! Hungry wasn't in it. I'd decided to fast. Not forty days. Twenty four hours. The first hour was the worst and the other hours were not even that good! All I could think of was chocolate and chips. Not on the same plate. I mean, anythin
GOSPEL WORDS - Wilderness
GOSPEL WORDS - Wilderness
by Alan M Barker
Image suitable for use in a PowerPoint slide (see below) PowerPoint Slide Size- This image is full size which is 1824 x 1368 pixels and 696KB The ideal way to insert into PowerPoint is:- Reduce the image size to 1024x768 pixels using your image editing software. Will reduce image
Prayers of Intercession for Lent 1
Prayers of Intercession for Lent 1
by Christine Dutton
Prayers for others and for ourselves for the first Sunday in Lent. These prayers were written to go alongside a service for the first Sunday in Lent, based on the account of the wilderness experience of Jesus in Luke 4: 1-13. The theme of the reflection is that within the wildern
Lent 1 Sermon/Reflection
Lent 1 Sermon/Reflection
by Christine Dutton
Reflection on Luke 4: 1 - Jesus is led into the Wilderness These reflections are simply my own response to the Luke passage reflecting on Jesus entering the wilderness as a time to prepare for his ministry and to ask whether by adopting retreating and reflecting as a model we can
Imagining the Lectionary: Facing the danger of freeing the self (Lent 1C)
Imagining the Lectionary: Facing the danger of freeing the self (Lent 1C)
by David Perry
Imagining the Lectionary: Facing the danger of freeing the self (Lent 1C) Reflection accompanying images: “Dangerous site” and “Piece of berlin wall change your life outside imperial war museum” Another Lent begins, and once more we have the precious opportunity mindfully to let
Piece of berlin wall change your life outside imperial war museum
Piece of berlin wall change your life outside imperial war museum
by David Perry
Image accompanying reflection Imagining the Lectionary: Facing the danger of freeing the self (Lent 1C) Image suitable for use in a PowerPoint slide (see below) PowerPoint Slide Size- This image is full size which is 2000 x 1376 pixels and 663KB The ideal way to insert into Power
Dangerous site
Dangerous site
by David Perry
Image accompanying reflection Imagining the Lectionary: Facing the danger of freeing the self (Lent 1C) Image suitable for use in a PowerPoint slide (see below) PowerPoint Slide Size- This image is full size which is 2000 x 1465 pixels and 1MB The ideal way to insert into PowerPo
Poem - The day we climbed the mountain
Poem - The day we climbed the mountain
by Colin Smith
The Day we climbed the mountain. This poem was written as a bit of fun to support an All Age worship service. Although the mountain which is referred to is Kinder Scout, in the Peak District of Derbyshire, the name of any local mountain can be used instead. The theme was “Finding
LWPT Meditations - First Sunday in Lent - Year C
LWPT Meditations - First Sunday in Lent - Year C
by Susan Thorne
Meditation – 1st Sunday in Lent Year C Deuteronomy 26:1-11 Psalm 91:1-2, 9-16 Romans 10:8b-13 Luke 4:1-13 In the lectionary readings for today we have God’s promise that when we call upon him he will answer us. This was impressed upon the Israelites after they left Egypt and were
Meditation - 1st Sunday in Lent Year C
Meditation - 1st Sunday in Lent Year C
by David Middleton
Meditation – 1st Sunday in Lent Yr C Big ideas Luke 4:1-13 The Church of St John the Baptist had just closed: Such a great shame, they seemed to be doing so well; Lots of new members, and they were really making an impression in the town. Then the minister was unexpectedly taken
Times and Seasons - Full Service - First Sunday of Lent - Year C
Times and Seasons - Full Service - First Sunday of Lent - Year C
by Andrew Pratt and Marjorie Dobson
First Sunday of Lent Year C Service contains: Hymn: Lord God, your love has called us here or God, we lose our moral compass, Reading: Psalm 91:1-2, 9-16 Prayer: God, our refuge (based on Psalm 91:1-2, 9-16) Hymn: Jesus, good above all other or Confession is communion with God Re
Fresh Thoughts For Sunday - Fresh Thoughts For Sunday Issue 103 14/02/16
Fresh Thoughts For Sunday - Fresh Thoughts For Sunday Issue 103 14/02/16
by Twelvebaskets Ltd
A selection of commentary, reflection and prayer ideas from various Christian authors and the full bible texts from the NRSV for this week's lectionary. NOW INCLUDING SERIALISED BOOKS FROM SPCK AND CONTRIBUTIONS FROM BRF. Check below for details. Subscribe to Fresh Thoughts For S
Fresh Thoughts For Sunday - Fresh Thoughts for Sunday Issue 262