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Great Christian Thinkers - 38 Germanus of Constantinople
Great Christian Thinkers - 38 Germanus of Constantinople
by SPCK - Pope Benedict XVI
Germanus of Constantinople Patriarch Germanus of Constantinople does not belong among the most representative figures of the Greek-speaking world of Eastern Christianity. Yet his name appears with a certain solemnity in the list of the great champions of sacred images drafted by
Moulin Rouge Bible Study Week 10
Moulin Rouge Bible Study Week 10
by Tim Marshall
Moulin Rouge Cover Letter A Bible Study which relies heavily on discussion rather than leading. Using the film 'Moulin Rouge' as a starting point and then looking at a variety of passages (which can be obtained from the web in a variety of different translations) There are questi
Times and Seasons - Prayer: Human instincts
Times and Seasons - Prayer: Human instincts
by Marjorie Dobson
Romans 12: 9-21 Prayer: Human instincts Vengeance is a natural reaction and most children have the instinct from an early age. We have to be taught to share, to forgive, to live in peace with one another and to resist our automatic reaction to get our own back. So we pray: When o
Come now and follow me
Come now and follow me
by Avis Palmer
Come now and follow me, To us Christ's words are spoken. He calls each one by name; By Love our hearts are woken. We're asked to walk with faith A path we cannot tell; And well shall all things be, And all things shall be well. Verses 2-3 follow © Avis Palmer Tune Nun danket (H&P
Dealing with Failure
Dealing with Failure
by Roger Johnson
Evangelism Bulletin 267 – Dealing with Failure It was one of those days when my heart leapt with joy. I looked at the lectionary to see what reading was set for my Sunday service and it was one of my favourite passages. It was the encounter which Simon Peter and some of the other
RE Active - Easter... with templates
RE Active - Easter... with templates
by SPCK - Jenny Gray
6 Easter In each school year, the RE curriculum will probably build on what children already know about Easter. In Hertfordshire (at the time of writing), Year 3 focuses on how christians celebrate Easter; Year 4 the Last Supper and Easter food; Year 5 the events of Holy Week; Ye
Numbers in the Bible Assembly Collection - Forgiveness 70 times 7 Assembly
Numbers in the Bible Assembly Collection - Forgiveness 70 times 7 Assembly
by Christian Assembly Team
Forgiveness – Seventy times Seven Bible ref: Matthew 18:21-35 There’s quite a lot in this assembly so you will have to keep it moving or edit as you feel necessary... Today we are going to be thinking about forgiveness. What does the word “forgive” mean? (Establish a child-friend
The Lion's World - 3 - Not a tame lion
The Lion's World - 3 - Not a tame lion
by SPCK - Rowan Williams
Not a tame lion The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe carefully prepares the way for Aslan’s appearance. When in Chapter 7 Mr Beaver confides ‘in a low whisper’ that ‘They say Aslan is on the move’ (p. 141), we are given a glimpse of what is instantly evoked by the name for the ch
Reflection/Meditation: My Father’s Way
Reflection/Meditation: My Father’s Way
by Marjorie Dobson
Reflection/Meditation: My Father’s Way Many years ago a story was told by the Hebrew people – indeed it is still being told today. It sounds something like this: ‘My father was a wandering Aramean; he went down into Egypt and lived there as an alien and there became a great natio
Twelve Months of Sundays Year B - The Last Sunday After Trinity Year B
Twelve Months of Sundays Year B - The Last Sunday After Trinity Year B
by SPCK - N T Wright
The Last Sunday After Trinity (proper 25) Job 42.1-6, 10-17 Hebrews 7.23-28 Mark 10.46b-52 Three very different prayers. Whatever we think of the ending of the book of Job (some scholars, inevitably, suppose it a later addition; some in our gloomy culture think it spoils the stor
Twelve Months of Sundays Year B - The First Sunday of Epiphany Year B
Twelve Months of Sundays Year B - The First Sunday of Epiphany Year B
by SPCK - N T Wright
The First Sunday of Epiphany Genesis 1.1–5 Acts 19.1–7 Mark 1.4–11 Wind and water. Light and dark. Heaven and earth. The beginning. There is a quiet joy about the opening of Genesis. Quiet, not because it’s only slightly exciting, but because we know at once that these are the
Twelve Months of Sundays Year B - Proper 21 Year B
Twelve Months of Sundays Year B - Proper 21 Year B
by SPCK - N T Wright
Proper 21 Esther 7.1-6, 9-10 James 5.13-20 Mark 9.38-50 The ancient world was full of stories in which the threatened hero or heroine is rescued at last, and the people who had almost overcome them are condemned instead. David kills Goliath. Homer’s heroes – some of them, anyway
THE WOMEN'S BIBLE COMMENTARY - Jesus and the Traditional Community
THE WOMEN'S BIBLE COMMENTARY - Jesus and the Traditional Community
by SPCK - Newsom, Ringe and Lapsley
Jesus and the Traditional Community (Mark 2: 1- 3:6) Four of the five stories that follow begin, as stories before them did, as stories of healings (paralytic; man with a withered hand), or calling disciples (Levi the toll collector), or events that occur on the Sabbath (plucking
Traces of Glory Year B - The Fourth Sunday of Lent - Year B
Traces of Glory Year B - The Fourth Sunday of Lent - Year B
by SPCK - David Adam
The Fourth Sunday of Lent Lord, we seek to make our home in you, for in you is our hope, in you is our peace. May we abide in you as you are in us. Grant, O Lord, in turning to you we may find new vision, new strength and new love, through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and rei
Hymn: The world is a-turning, God set it a spinning
Hymn: The world is a-turning, God set it a spinning
by Andrew Pratt
The world is a-turning, God set it a spinning, and preachers and prophets are catching the wave; the Baptist is setting the tone for the future, come trust and repent and believe God can save. The soldiers and taxmen first heard this man preaching with fearless extravagance chall
New Testament Prayer for Everyone - The Lord's Prayer