I Will Not Offer Worship That Costs Me Nothing
Taken from 1 and 2 Samuel for Everyone
I Will Not Offer Worship That Costs Me Nothing
2 Samuel 24: 16b- 25
As we left a concert last night, one of my friends commented that he always emerges from live music with renewed energy. I am the same. It reminded me of how I felt after a terrific, animated, dynamic worship service the other week. We were all singing enthusiastically. We were all clapping rhythmically. (Actually I wasn’t, because my hands are rhythmically challenged, but I was stamping enthusiastically; my feet are rhythmic.) The worship band (especially the lead guitarist) was in fine form. The three lead singers were encouraging us with fervency. I left the service with renewed energy as I left the concert with renewed energy. So for whose benefit was I worshiping?..