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The Fourth Sunday of Easter

John 10.22-30

Gaze on a rough, stormy day in Jerusalem. Our usual picture of the Holy Land is of sun and heat, and a life led in the open air, but there can be cold winds and rain, too. Jesus is sheltering in one of the inner courts of the Temple. It’s not just the weather that’s turned stormy, for now he’s trapped, encircled by a group of opponents who harangue and taunt him, willing him on to blaspheme. This is an unofficial trial. Hear the spite in their voices, crackling like kindling on a fire, their threats spitting like water splashed in oil. Gaze on Jesus, standing his ground, not overwhelmed by the opposition. He is sad that they ‘do not believe’ but is giving them another chance to understand...

Publisher: SPCK - view more
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