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Thoughts taken from TV, Books and life experiences on various topics and given a Christian slant to stimulate thoughts. The topic here for Day 27 is 'Do I really know that I am loved by God?'  Looking at the character 'Bridget Jones' with reference to 'Notting Hill', 'Love Actually' and 'Sommersby'.

Bible reading: Luke 15:1-31

There 42 Meditations in the series - Day1 to Day42

To see all 42 enter LTUAE in the Search Box or see below for Introduction and full list.

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Yet, I have to admit, chick flicks ask some fascinating questions and give us a deeper insight into
what it means to be human.  The character Bridget Jones’ search for a good love relationship is
not primarily triggered by the desperation of being alone at her mother’s annual turkey buffet, but
the sense that we find ourselves in such relationships.  Julia Roberts’ plea, ‘After all ... I’m just a
girl, standing in front of a boy, asking him to love her’ in Notting Hill plays with concepts of what
makes us special and how much we can forgive.  The joy and romance of Love Actually
interweaves a world of grief, betrayal and mindless sex with the question ‘How deeply can we
really understand this thing called love?’
When Jesus talks about the nature of God and his love, he often uses human stories to do this.  
God’s love is ...


Continues ....

For Introduction and list of all 42 Meditations for Lent and Beyond - Click Here to Download

These Meditations are taken from the book 'Life, The Universe And Everything' by David Wilkinson - Click Here

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