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Thoughts taken from TV, Books and life experiences on various topics and given a Christian slant to stimulate thoughts. The topic here for Day 42 is 'Th extraordinary power of the claim of the Christian Faith'.  

Bible reading: Luke 24:1-12

There 42 Meditations in the series - Day1 to Day42

To see all 42 enter LTUAE in the Search Box or see below for Introduction and full list.

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A couple of years ago, a national newspaper invited people to write in to answer the question,
‘What is the purpose of life?’  One person followed the Richard Dawkins’ view, that human life is
simply a gene survival mechanism – a means of passing the genes down to the next generation.  I
have to say, that didn’t excite me a great deal.  A football fan wrote in and said, ‘The purpose of
life is Newcastle 2, Sunderland nil.’  Now, as a Newcastle fan myself, I could see his point!  
However, my mind was drawn to the person who simply wrote, ‘The purpose of life is death.’  
Profound but not very encouraging on a wet Monday morning over the cornflakes.  
I couldn’t help remembering the other day when I attended a lecture given by an eminent
philosopher.  He was talking about the meaning and purpose of life as he saw it and as great
thinkers down the centuries have discussed it.  At the end of the extremely eloquent and
stimulating lecture, a young student asked, ‘But what happens at death?’  ‘I don’t know, I’ve
never died’, was his response.  It was a clever response and most of us laughed.  Not the girl who
asked the question, however.  She pushed him again, ‘But how can we understand life if we
cannot understand death?’  Good point, I thought.  this time he replied, ‘The only way we would
ever know is if someone died and then came back to life to tell us.’
Suddenly, I saw the extraordinary power of the claim of the Christian faith.


Continues ....

For Introduction and list of all 42 Meditations for Lent and Beyond - Click Here to Download

These Meditations are taken from the book 'Life, The Universe And Everything' by David Wilkinson - Click Here

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