Lectionary 23/03/2025
- Third Sunday of/in Lent - Year C
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by SPCK - N T Wright
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Lectionary Reflection Year C - The Third Sunday of Lent Year C
Lectionary Reflection Year C - The Third Sunday of Lent Year C
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Prayer: Generous and caring God
by Marjorie Dobson
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In the silent, stillness, listen
In the silent, stillness, listen
by Andrew Pratt
In the silent, stillness, listen, God is calling will we hear? All too often faith has foundered, grace is muzzled by our fear. In our rush and haste and hurry we have lost the time for prayer; lost the time for conversation, then we think God is not there. Verses 2-3 follow © An…
Sometimes, O God, our weariness
Sometimes, O God, our weariness
by Andrew Pratt
Sometimes, O God, our weariness and pressure on our time can undermine our prayerfulness, our thoughts of the divine. We thirst and long to know your love, to hear your present voice, that in this void, this emptiness, we might, again rejoice. Verse 3 follows Tune: BELMONT Metre:…
Poem: Be careful you don’t fall
Poem: Be careful you don’t fall
by Marjorie Dobson
Poem: Be careful you don’t fall Standing on high moral ground is not necessarily an achievement; more like providing a target to be knocked over by personal self-righteous pomposity. Time after time, those who have claimed to be above God’s law, or to have no recognition of its e…
Monologue: Memories
Monologue: Memories
by Andrew Pratt
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Monologue: The Failing Fig Tree
Monologue: The Failing Fig Tree
by Marjorie Dobson
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When ever disaster brings death and destruction
by Andrew Pratt
When ever disaster brings death and destruction, when people are suff'ring and questions arise, we should not assume some divine retribution condemning the people that we might despise. God's judgement is subtle, each person is counted, each one is significant, folded in grace. G…
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LWPT Meditations - Third Sunday in Lent - Year C
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by Susan Thorne
Meditation – 3rd Sunday in Lent Year C Isaiah 55:1-9 Psalm 63:1-8 1st Corinthians 10:1-13 Luke 13:1-9 There is comfort, together with two warnings, in today’s Bible passages. That God loves his children is abundantly clear. He invites them freely to feast with him (Isaiah 55:1-2…
Meditation - 3rd Sunday in Lent year C
Meditation - 3rd Sunday in Lent year C
by David Middleton
Meditation – 3rd Sunday in Lent Year C Change or decay Luke 13: 1-9 I talked to Jesus yesterday; I told him about those poor souls murdered by Pilate’s men in the temple, while they were making sacrifices. I just thought he ought to know. I feel so helpless when I hear about such…
Paul and the Faithfulness of God - The Theology of a Pharisee
Paul and the Faithfulness of God - The Theology of a Pharisee
by SPCK - N T Wright
Chapter TWO LIKE BIRDS HOVERING OVERHEAD: THE FAITHFULNESS OF THE GOD OF ISRAEL The Theology of a Pharisee It is not difficult to draw out from what has already been said the main lines of Pharisaic theology, bringing into brief and I hope sharp focus the larger and longer treatm…
PAUL AND THE FAITHFULNESS OF GOD - Jewish Responses to Pagan Philosophy
PAUL AND THE FAITHFULNESS OF GOD - Jewish Responses to Pagan Philosophy
by SPCK - N T Wright
3. Athene and Her Owl: the Wisdom of the Greeks Jewish Responses to Pagan Philosophy Before we do that, one final task remains. Granted that Paul grew up in the world of strict Pharisaic Judaism, what response might we expect him to have to the world of pagan philosophy? It would…
by Rose humphrey
TIP- PowerPoint Slide Size- The ideal way to insert into PowerPoint is:- • Reduce the image size to 1024x768 pixels using your image editing software. (Will reduce image proportionally) • Insert as Picture in the normal way. • If needed fill the slide area by placing the image in…
The Living God - Forebears of faith: Abraham, Isaac and Jacob
The Living God - Forebears of faith: Abraham, Isaac and Jacob
by SPCK - Alister McGrath
Which God Are We Talking About? 1 Forebears of faith: Abraham, Isaac and Jacob Everyone loves exploring their family history. Sometimes it’s just because we enjoy finding out things about the past. I was fascinated to discover that a relative had been one of the last people to ge…
Rhythms of remembering - Ordinary Time - Monday Morning Prayer
Rhythms of remembering - Ordinary Time - Monday Morning Prayer
by SPCK - Hannah Ward & Jennifer Wild
ORDINARY TIME - Monday Morning Prayer Blessed are you, O God, source of all wisdom and understanding. O powerful Wisdom, you encircle all that is, holding everything together in one life-giving path. Hildegard of Bingen...
Psalms for Everyone Part 2 - Will You Just Shut Up and Listen?
Psalms for Everyone Part 2 - Will You Just Shut Up and Listen?
by SPCK - John Goldingay
Will You Just Shut Up and Listen? Psalm 95 One of the most formative experiences of my life was being a chorister in the choir at the cathedral in my home city in England. I learned to sing and to read and write music, and I wouldn’t have become a music freak except for that expe…
Psalms for Everyone Part 2 - How to Persuade Your Heart
Psalms for Everyone Part 2 - How to Persuade Your Heart
by SPCK - John Goldingay
How to Persuade Your Heart Psalm 103 Some years ago I went through one of those periods when God didn’t seem to be real. I don’t mean I was going through some intellectual questioning, though I have done that at other times, but rather that I didn’t feel that God was there. I wou…
Four Gospels, One Jesus - What about the authors?
Four Gospels, One Jesus - What about the authors?
by SPCK - Richard A Burridge
What about the authors? Redaction and composition I cannot always read my favourite newspaper at coffee-time in our staff common room, because someone else has bagged it already! Never mind, there are others around, and reading various papers reveals their different styles and vi…
Four Gospels, One Jesus - The ox plods a long, slow journey
Four Gospels, One Jesus - The ox plods a long, slow journey
by SPCK - Richard A Burridge
The ox plods a long, slow journey Luke’s style and structure Unlike Mark’s disorderly rushing about, Luke writes an ‘orderly account’ (1.4). His preface has a calm, literary self-confidence, and this continues into the main narrative. While Mark introduces everything ‘and immedia…
Four Gospels, One Jesus - Living under the shadow of his wings
Four Gospels, One Jesus - Living under the shadow of his wings
by SPCK - Richard A Burridge
Living under the shadow of his wings Like most animals, the eagle rushes into conflict when protecting its young, yet the same instinct causes it to exhibit tender care. Moses’ final song compares God’s concern for Israel to an eagle ‘hovering over its young . . . bearing them al…
Walking Backwards to Christmas - Chapter 11 Moses
Walking Backwards to Christmas - Chapter 11 Moses
by SPCK - Stephen Cottrell
Chapter 11 Moses The wind whistles and rattles across the plain. Harsh and unforgiving, it scours the land, and few things grow. You hear it, and you don’t hear it. It is here, and it is gone. There is a dread chill in the air. Eventually it gets inside you. Then one day the cold…
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THE WOMEN'S BIBLE COMMENTARY - Idol Meat and Class conflict
by SPCK - Newsom, Ringe and Lapsley
Idol Meat and Class Conflict (1 Corinthians 8-10) The problem Paul addresses in these chapters is that some members of the church feel free to eat meat that has been sacrificed to idols, while for others this creates a crisis of faith…
by SPCK - Newsom, Ringe and Lapsley
Second Isaiah (Isaiah 40-55) The sixteen chapters that begin with “Comfort, comfort my people” comprise a complex but thematically continuous piece focusing on Jerusalem’s restoration as the Babylonian era ended. The prophet is self-effacing and barely visible, but certain aspect…
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by SPCK - David Adam
Bible Sunday Father, we give you thanks for your holy word spoken of old by the prophets and apostles, for all that is written in the Scriptures, that is proclaimed by evangelists and preachers; we pray that we may heed your word and come to know the Word made flesh, even Jesus C…
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Isaiah for everyone - Our Ideas and Plans, and God’s
by SPCK - John Goldingay
Our Ideas and Plans, and God’s This morning we had the last regular seminary chapel of the year, the last regular seminary chapel ever for people who were graduating. The preacher was an eighty-year-old retired professor who told us stories about his experience at that stage of h…
Times and Seasons - Full Service - Third Sunday of Lent - Year C
Times and Seasons - Full Service - Third Sunday of Lent - Year C
by Andrew Pratt and Marjorie Dobson
Third Sunday of Lent Year C Service contents: Hymn: Thou whose almighty word (God, whose almighty word) or Great God of awe, beyond imagination Prayer: Generous and caring God Reading: Psalm 63:1-8 Hymn: What a friend we have in Jesus or Sometimes, O God, our weariness Reading: 1…
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52 Reflections on Faith - Wisdom: Christ himself
by BRF - Stephen W. Need
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Israelites in Egypt The descendants of Jacob number seventy when they arrive in Egypt. They multiply and fill the land of Egypt with language reminiscent of the fertility of creation in Genesis (Exod. 1:7; Gen. 1:28)…
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Moses and Pharaoh As instructed, Moses and Aaron approach Pharaoh and request time off to celebrate a festival to YHWH. Pharaoh refuses and increases the Israelites’ work load by no longer providing straw to make bricks…
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CHRISTIANITY AND THE RENEWAL OF NATURE - 3c Reading Luke and saving the planet
by SPCK - Sebastian C.H. Kim and Jonathan Draper
Reading Luke and saving the planet After this brief snapshot of Palestine then and now, I return to the central issue: how does reading Luke affect the agenda of global warming? We have looked at the context for Jesus’ ministry, but what of its content?…
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A selection of commentary, reflection and prayer ideas from various Christian authors and the full bible texts from the NRSV for this week's lectionary. NOW INCLUDING SERIALISED BOOKS FROM SPCK AND CONTRIBUTIONS FROM BRF. Check below for details. Subscribe to Fresh Thoughts For S…
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