Lectionary 30/03/2025
- Fourth Sunday of/in Lent - Year C
Lectionary Readings
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Prodigal Son
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God we lose our moral compass
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Intercessions for Years A, B and C Book - Lent 4 – Year C
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Be Ready and Prepared for the Son of Man
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by Dave Hopwood
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Good Saviour Jesus‚ mercy show
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by Norman J Goreham (1931-2021)
TO GOD WITH ALL OUR HEART RETURN (A HYMN FOR THE LENTEN SEASON) Good Saviour Jesus‚ mercy show to your whole church now penitent‚ that we in godliness may grow throughout these forty days of Lent. This living sacrifice we make: your patient love for us discern‚ the cycle of our s…
John for Everyone part 2 - The Raising of Lazarus
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by SPCK - N T Wright
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Luke for Everyone - The Parables of the Lost Sheep and Lost Coins
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by SPCK - N T Wright
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Luke for Everyone - The Parable of the Prodigal Son (part1)
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by SPCK - N T Wright
The Parables of the Prodigal: The Father and the Younger Son Luke 15.11-24 We might think that the parable of the prodigal son, as it’s usually known, hardly needs an introduction. It has inspired artists and writers down the years. Rembrandt’s famous painting, with the younger s…
Gazing on the Gospels year c - The Fourth Sunday of Lent Year C
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by SPCK - Judith Dimond
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by SPCK - N T Wright
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Lectionary Reflection Year C - The Fourth Sunday of Lent Year C
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by SPCK - Jane Williams
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The Pastoral Letters - Judgment is Coming- So Get On With Your WorK
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by SPCK - N T Wright
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2 Corinthians - New creation, New Ministry
2 Corinthians - New creation, New Ministry
by SPCK - N T Wright
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The Pastoral Letters - Waiting For The Crown
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by SPCK - N T Wright
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The Pastoral Letters - Come To Me Soon
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by SPCK - N T Wright
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Journeying with Luke - Lent
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by SPCK - Woodward, Gooder and Pryce
4 Lent Exploring the text One of the major themes of Lent is, of course, temptation – or, more accurately, resistance to temptation. This theme arises from Jesus’ temptations but also challenges us to reflect upon our need to resist temptation in all its forms. One of the intrigu…
Reflection/Poem: A New Beginning
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by Marjorie Dobson
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Out of Egypt now in Canaan
Out of Egypt now in Canaan
by Andrew Pratt
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Monologue: Not me!
by Andrew Pratt
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Drama/Dialogue: Make-over
by Marjorie Dobson
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Poem: Turning back
Poem: Turning back
by Marjorie Dobson
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When all is lost, there seems no turning back
When all is lost, there seems no turning back
by Andrew Pratt
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Song/Poem-Coming Home
Song/Poem-Coming Home
by Philip Holmes
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Meditation - 4th Sunday in Lent Year C
Meditation - 4th Sunday in Lent Year C
by David Middleton
Meditation – 4th Sunday in Lent Year C Luke 15:1-3, 11b-32 I remember the birth of each of my sons; how infinitely precious they were, how tiny, how much in need of my protection. I vowed then that I would be the best father in the world. My wife died giving birth to the younger…
Meditation - 4th Sunday in Lent year C
Meditation - 4th Sunday in Lent year C
by David Middleton
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Joshua, Judges and Ruth for Everyone - Which Side Are You On? Neither
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by SPCK - John Goldingay
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by SPCK - N T Wright
Part 1: PAUL AND HIS WORLD Chapter One RETURN OF THE RUNAWAY? 1. A World of Difference (iv) The Central Argument These discussions about the actual situation and the request Paul made have tended, as I said, to make exegetes overlook the point which is just as important in its wa…
Paul and the Faithfulness of God - Sources
Paul and the Faithfulness of God - Sources
by SPCK - N T Wright
Part 1: PAUL AND HIS WORLD Chapter One RETURN OF THE RUNAWAY? 2 Philemon and the Study of Paul (v) Sources The first question most historians ask has to do with sources. Here we face a problem as much of scholarly fashion as of historical substance. Since the present volume is de…
Psalms for Everyone - Love Covers a Multitude of Sins
Psalms for Everyone - Love Covers a Multitude of Sins
by SPCK - John Goldingay
Love Covers a Multitude of Sins Psalm 32 Yesterday a federal court found six police officers guilty of shooting six citizens in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. My wife and I were reflecting about how the rest of us can’t simply dissociate ourselves from an event such as the s…
by SPCK - N T Wright
3. Athene and Her Owl: the Wisdom of the Greeks (v) Cynics and Sceptics From Stoicism proper it is a short step to that disparate phenomenon – more of a mood than a movement – that was called Cynicism. The Cynics (again, our English meanings let us down here, though there is some…
The Prodigal Son Returns
The Prodigal Son Returns
by Rob Weir
Original: Chalk Pastel on Paper. Based on the parable from Luke's Gospel, the Prodigal Son returns to find his Father waiting to receive him - while his brother goes about his work. TIP- PowerPoint Slide Size- The ideal way to insert into PowerPoint is:- Reduce the image size to …
The Living God - A Personal God
The Living God - A Personal God
by SPCK - Alister McGrath
A personal God: love and faithfulness 2 A personal God All of us like to complain about our employers. I met up with someone I had known back in the days when I was a research student in Oxford. Over a cup of tea I asked him how he was getting on at the college where he now worke…
The Living God - A God who remembers us
The Living God - A God who remembers us
by SPCK - Alister McGrath
A personal God: love and faithfulness 2 A God who remembers us In 2008 I began to research a new biography of C. S. Lewis. This involved reading everything he had written in chronological order, as well as the large amount of literature about him. I came across many early photogr…
Rhythms of remembering - Lent - Tuesday Morning Prayer
Rhythms of remembering - Lent - Tuesday Morning Prayer
by SPCK - Hannah Ward & Jennifer Wild
LENT - Tuesday Morning Prayer Blessed be God, Provider and Sustainer. I am about to do a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert...
Two Sons
Two Sons
by Pam Webster
Two Sons Luke 15:11-32 There must be more to life than this. I don’t want to be here, I’m wasted. I want to be Out There, living my life, enjoying the pleasures, seeing the world. It seems there is more, so much more - hunger, disgrace, self-loathing, that dawning realisation tha…
Four Gospels, One Jesus - What about the authors?
Four Gospels, One Jesus - What about the authors?
by SPCK - Richard A Burridge
What about the authors? Redaction and composition I cannot always read my favourite newspaper at coffee-time in our staff common room, because someone else has bagged it already! Never mind, there are others around, and reading various papers reveals their different styles and vi…
Four Gospels, One Jesus - Talons bared for conflict
Four Gospels, One Jesus - Talons bared for conflict
by SPCK - Richard A Burridge
Talons bared for conflict The Book of Signs and “the Jews”, John 2—12 In Tolkien’s stories, Numenor is an Atlantis-like land blessed by Iluvatar (God) which overreaches itself and turns to evil. Its doom is presaged first by eagle-shaped clouds and then by eagles themselves; few …
by SPCK - Newsom, Ringe and Lapsley
Book I (Pss. 1-41) Book I opens, in Psalm 1, with words encouraging faithful meditation upon the Torah. The book continues in Psalm 2 with words of warning to the nations and their rulers to recognize the God of Israel as king over all. The psalms are framed (1:1 and 2:11) with t…
THE WOMEN'S BIBLE COMMENTARY - The Conquest of the Land
THE WOMEN'S BIBLE COMMENTARY - The Conquest of the Land
by SPCK - Newsom, Ringe and Lapsley
The Conquest of the Land (Joshua 3-12) Readers are given a good clue as to the direction of the narrative when the captain of YHWH’s army comes to Joshua with a sword in his hand (5:13). He tells Joshua, “Remove your sandals from your feet, for the place where you stand is holy” …
by SPCK - Newsom, Ringe and Lapsley
Status Negotiations (2 Corinthian 1-7) These chapters are exceedingly difficult, with abrupt changes in tone and interrupted trains of thought. Even in sections where the subject matter remains fairly constant, sentences are repetitive, convoluted, at times almost incoherent. Whe…
52 Reflections on Faith - Jesus the good shepherd: the door of the sheep
52 Reflections on Faith - Jesus the good shepherd: the door of the sheep
by BRF - Stephen W. Need
Jesus the Good Shepherd: door of the sheep When I worked in the Holy Land with St George’s College, Jerusalem, we often took groups to the Sinai desert to camp overnight under the stars on the way down to St Catherine’s monastery. It was an amazing experience. Quite often I would…
The Act of Prayer Year C - Fourth Sunday of Lent - Year C
The Act of Prayer Year C - Fourth Sunday of Lent - Year C
by BRF - John Birch
Fourth Sunday of Lent Year C Opening prayer We worship you, God of promise, whose saving grace brought a people from captivity into a land of promise, and whose enduring love still leads us from places of captivity into peace, forgiveness and eternal life. Your promises endure fo…
52 Reflections on Faith - Jesus the good shepherd: Door of the sheep
52 Reflections on Faith - Jesus the good shepherd: Door of the sheep
by BRF - Stephen W. Need
Jesus the good shepherd: Door of the sheep When I worked in the Holy Land with St George’s College, Jerusalem, we often took groups to the Sinai desert to camp overnight under the stars on the way down to St Catherine’s monastery…
Fresh Thoughts For Sunday - Fresh Thoughts For Sunday Issue 106 06/03/16
Fresh Thoughts For Sunday - Fresh Thoughts For Sunday Issue 106 06/03/16
by Twelvebaskets Ltd
A selection of commentary, reflection and prayer ideas from various Christian authors and the full bible texts from the NRSV for this week's lectionary. NOW INCLUDING SERIALISED BOOKS FROM SPCK AND CONTRIBUTIONS FROM BRF. Check below for details. Subscribe to Fresh Thoughts For S…
Times and Seasons - Full Service - Fourth Sunday of Lent – [Mothering] - Year C
Times and Seasons - Full Service - Fourth Sunday of Lent – [Mothering] - Year C
by Andrew Pratt and Marjorie Dobson
Fourth Sunday of Lent – [Mothering] - Year C Service contents: Hymn: Jesus, where’er thy people meet or We come to praise, not sure of God Prayer: Great God Reading: Psalm 32 Monologue: Not me! Hymn: Forgive our sins, as we forgive or That two-edged sword, the word of God Reading…
embodying mark - 4 Following the Shepherd
embodying mark - 4 Following the Shepherd
by SPCK - meda a a stamper
4 Following the Shepherd As in the last chapter, so also here Mark begins a story, interrupts it with another, and then comes round to the first story again. The passage we are exploring now follows on from Jesus’ sending of the disciples two by two in 6.7–13 to participate in hi…
CHRISTIANITY AND THE RENEWAL OF NATURE - 1d Creative engagement with nature
CHRISTIANITY AND THE RENEWAL OF NATURE - 1d Creative engagement with nature
by SPCK - Sebastian C.H. Kim and Jonathan Draper
Creative engagement with nature Renewing the face of the earth, then, is an enterprise not of imposing some private human vision on a passive nature but of living in such a way as to bring more clearly to light the interconnectedness of all things and their dependence on what we …
CHRISTIANITY AND THE RENEWAL OF NATURE - 3b Jesus as a landless prophet and the situation of Palestine today
CHRISTIANITY AND THE RENEWAL OF NATURE - 3b Jesus as a landless prophet and the situation of Palestine today
by SPCK - Sebastian C.H. Kim and Jonathan Draper
Jesus as a landless prophet and the situation of Palestine today What were the issues for Jesus and the community for which Luke wrote regarding justice for the earth? Even though this was a community treading lightly on the earth compared with ourselves, ecological justice was f…
Fresh Thoughts For Sunday - Fresh Thoughts for Sunday Issue 265
Fresh Thoughts For Sunday - Fresh Thoughts for Sunday Issue 265
by Twelvebaskets Ltd
A selection of commentary, reflection and prayer ideas from various Christian authors and the full bible texts from the NRSV for this week's lectionary. NOW INCLUDING SERIALISED BOOKS FROM SPCK AND CONTRIBUTIONS FROM BRF. Check below for details. Subscribe to Fresh Thoughts For S…
The Fatherhood of God
The Fatherhood of God
by Colin Smith
The fatherhood of God is explored In this short (1430 word) reflection/sermon. In it, the tenderness of God as a loving father is contrasted with his apparent remoteness as he resides in heaven. The tenderness and remoteness are reconciled by thinking of God as creator for both…
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by Norman J Goreham (1931-2021)
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by Andy Lindley
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Poem:Sing a new song
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by Marjorie Dobson
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by Gareth Hill Publishing/Song Solutions CopyCare
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by Marjorie Dobson
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Hymn: Passion can distort our judgment
by Andrew Pratt
Passion can distort our judgment, twisting love, distorting fate. Is this Adam's sin returning as endearments turn to hate? In the cold light of the morning, looking back on what we've done, even at the new day's dawning, feeling chill in morning sun. Verses 3-4 follows Tune: MER…
Poem: Passion can distort our judgment
Poem: Passion can distort our judgment
by Andrew Pratt
Passion can distort our judgment, twisting love, distorting fate. Is this Adam's sin returning as endearments turn to hate? In the cold light of the morning, looking back on what we've done, even at the new day's dawning, feeling chill in morning sun. Continues... Also available …
We turn the tables on our friends
We turn the tables on our friends
by Andrew Pratt
We turn the tables on our friends, the ones we love the most, when others point or criticise, we press our case and boast. The garden story that we hear still lives in us today, the blame still passes down the line, there is no other way. Verses 3-4 follow Tune: BROTHER JAMES AIR…
Waning Moon
Waning Moon
by Rose humphrey
TIP- PowerPoint Slide Size- The ideal way to insert into PowerPoint is:- • Reduce the image size to 1024x768 pixels using your image editing software. (Will reduce image proportionally) • Insert as Picture in the normal way. • If needed fill the slide area by placing the image in…
Mystical hints
Mystical hints
by Michaela Youngson
First Published in The Weaver, The Word and Wisdom Mystical hints Reflection on Genesis 1.1-5 and John 1.1-5 The strands of God’s identity weave together in the blending of these creation stories. John offers the reader mystical and metaphysical hints to the mystery of the Word, …
Summer evening
Summer evening
by Joy Sykes
TIP- PowerPoint Slide Size- The ideal way to insert into PowerPoint is:- • Reduce the image size to 1024x768 pixels using your image editing software. (Will reduce image proportionally) • Insert as Picture in the normal way. • If needed fill the slide area by placing the image in…
Acts for Everyone Part 2 - Opening the door of Faith
Acts for Everyone Part 2 - Opening the door of Faith
by SPCK - N T Wright
Opening the Door of Faith Acts 14.21-28 I stood at the back of the exhibition, and chatted with the artist. He was a local man, and we were glad to support him. We had even bought one of his paintings, a marvellous study of a bird in flight. ‘What does it feel like,’ I asked, ‘se…
Mark for Everyone - The Preaching of John the Baptist
Mark for Everyone - The Preaching of John the Baptist
by SPCK - N T Wright
Mark For Everyone MARK 1.1–8 The Preaching of John the Baptist... ...You are sound asleep and dreaming, when suddenly the door bursts open and a bright light shines full in your face. A voice, breaking in on your dream-world, shouts, ‘Wake up! Get up! You’ll be late!’ And without…
Poem: Ignorance
Poem: Ignorance
by Marjorie Dobson
Poem: Ignorance Peter was not known for caution, spoke too often without thinking, but when faced with hostile questions found, for once, the words to answer. Gave his witness with great courage, led by late-gained inspiration. Could it be with new self-knowledge, stirred by guil…
There are stories in the Bible
There are stories in the Bible
by Michael Docker
There are stories in the Bible Where this world's turned upside down - Wine from water; health from sickness; Bread from none; a Kingdom shown. Jesus stands in all these stories, Human being with godly powers; By his words and signs and spirit We shall find God's life is ours. Th…
Twelve Months of Sundays Year A - The Second Sunday of Lent Year A
Twelve Months of Sundays Year A - The Second Sunday of Lent Year A
by SPCK - N T Wright
The Second Sunday of Lent - Year A Genesis 12.1–4a Romans 4.1–5, 13–17 John 3.1–17 ‘Leave country, kin and home, and go.’ And Abram went. The call was like that other word, to leave and cleave, spoken before the Fall: a marriage vow, a challenge and a pledge of loyalty. Like,…
Lent for Everyone Year A - Friday: Week 2 in Lent Year A
Lent for Everyone Year A - Friday: Week 2 in Lent Year A
by SPCK - N T Wright
WEEK 2: FRIDAY Matthew 12.22–50; focused on 12.27–32 27 Just in case anyone thought that the vision of a gentle, humble Messiah meant that he would be a pushover for every evil power that came along, the present passage sets the balance straight. One of the things everybody knew …
Romans 15:13
Romans 15:13
by BigBible
Created by Jo Brown. I pray that the God who gives hope will fill you with much joy and peace as you trust in him. Then you will have more and more hope, and it will flow out of you by the power of the Holy Spirit. NIV Translation. Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Cop…
The cry of the poor should bring grief to the people
The cry of the poor should bring grief to the people
by Andrew Pratt
The cry of the poor should bring grief to the people, yet balm is not found, there is mourning instead. The harvest is past and the summer is ended, the winter is coming, dread raises its head. Verses 2-3 follow Metre: 12 11 12 11 Tune: STREETS OF LAREDO Andrew Pratt (born 1948…
Hiding place
Hiding place
by Rev David East
TIP- PowerPoint Slide Size- The ideal way to insert into PowerPoint is:- • Reduce the image size to 1024x768 pixels using your image editing software. (Will reduce image proportionally) • Insert as Picture in the normal way. • If needed fill the slide area by placing the image in…
You are my hiding place
You are my hiding place
by Rev David East
TIP- PowerPoint Slide Size- The ideal way to insert into PowerPoint is:- • Reduce the image size to 1024x768 pixels using your image editing software. (Will reduce image proportionally) • Insert as Picture in the normal way. • If needed fill the slide area by placing the image in…
JOHN: The people's bible commentary - Jesus Prays for His Disciples
JOHN: The people's bible commentary - Jesus Prays for His Disciples
by BRF - Richard A. Burridge
Jesus Prays for His Disciples Having prayed to be with God in glory, Jesus turns to pray for his disciples who will be left behind. They are only a small frightened group, who still do not really understand what he is saying. At one level, it is not much to show for the fruits of…
God's Wondrous Love (Orchardknowes)
God's Wondrous Love (Orchardknowes)
by Norman J Goreham (1931-2021)
This hymn is based on words of St. Hippolytus of Rome (c170-c236): "This tree, wide as the heavens itself, has grown up into heaven from the earth. It is an immortal growth and towers between heaven and earth. It is the fulcrum of all things...the centre of the cosmos." Here the …
Isaiah for everyone - If only...
Isaiah for everyone - If only...
by SPCK - John Goldingay
If Only… I was talking this week to a student who told me that his wife had left him. They had been married for five years and she had discovered he was addicted to porn; I don’t know how he had kept it secret for so long. I don’t know, and he doesn’t know, if this is the end of …
Paul for Everyone The Prison Letters - Love, Peace and Thanksgiving
Paul for Everyone The Prison Letters - Love, Peace and Thanksgiving
by SPCK - N T Wright
Love, Peace and Thanksgiving Colossians 3.12-17 Here’s the acid test for whether Paul is talking sense or not. Read again through the list of sexual and speech-related misbehaviour in verses 5–9. Then read through verses 12–17. Ask yourself this: supposing there was a town in whi…
Twelve Months of Sunday year c - Proper 2 Year C
Twelve Months of Sunday year c - Proper 2 Year C
by SPCK - N T Wright
Proper 2 Jeremiah 17.5–10 1 Corinthians 15.12–20 Luke 6.17–26 Blessings and woes: the upside-down world of the gospel, addressing, as Jeremiah had done, the heart’s self-deceptions, and allowing YHWH to test the mind and search the heart. The woes read like a list of contemporary…
Rhythms of remembering - Lent - Tuesday Morning Prayer
Rhythms of remembering - Lent - Tuesday Morning Prayer
by SPCK - Hannah Ward & Jennifer Wild
LENT - Tuesday Morning Prayer Blessed be God, Provider and Sustainer. I am about to do a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert...
Once crimson poppies bloomed
Once crimson poppies bloomed
by Andrew Pratt
Once crimson poppies bloomed out in a foreign field, each memory reminds where brutal death was sealed. The crimson petals flutter down, still hatred forms a thorny crown. For in this present time we wait in vain for peace, each generation cries, each longing for release, while w…
Proverbs 4:18
Proverbs 4:18
by Rev David East
TIP- PowerPoint Slide Size- The ideal way to insert into PowerPoint is:- • Reduce the image size to 1024x768 pixels using your image editing software. (Will reduce image proportionally) • Insert as Picture in the normal way. • If needed fill the slide area by placing the image in…
Anonymous you come among the nations
Anonymous you come among the nations
by Andrew Pratt
Anonymous you come among the nations, outside the door of synagogue or church, and what you say will shake the world's foundations, will make the sinner sing, the righteous lurch. You come with grace, not seeking any favours, except a cup of water for your thirst, and those dismi…
Isaiah 54:10 Mountains PPT Size
Isaiah 54:10 Mountains PPT Size
by Hannah Soar
Original size image - Click Here Image without text: - Original Size - Click Here PowerPoint Size - Click Here Use of biblical text in this image: THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission. All rights …
Isaiah 54.10 - Mountains
Isaiah 54.10 - Mountains
by Hannah Soar
Same image in PowerPoint Size - Click Here Same image without text:- Original size - Click Here PowerPoint Size - Click Here Use of biblical text in this image: THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permissio…
Poem: Durham cathedral