Lectionary 16/03/2025
- Second Sunday of/in Lent - Year C
Lectionary Readings
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Hidden Treasure and Precious Pearls
Hidden Treasure and Precious Pearls
by Dave Hopwood
Food and Water Bible Ref: Matthew 9-11 & 13-16; Mark 6-8; Luke 9; John 6-7 Each of the following sketches (scenes) can be used to form the basis for a complete act of worship or used as individual scenes on separate occasions. Each scene will require a narrator to read the linkin
Jesus Feeds Five Thousand People
Jesus Feeds Five Thousand People
by Dave Hopwood
Food and Water Bible Ref: Matthew 9-11 & 13-16; Mark 6-8; Luke 9; John 6-7 Each of the following sketches (scenes) can be used to form the basis for a complete act of worship or used as individual scenes on separate occasions. Each scene will require a narrator to read the linkin
The Bread of Life
The Bread of Life
by Dave Hopwood
Food and Water Bible Ref: Matthew 9-11 & 13-16; Mark 6-8; Luke 9; John 6-7 Each of the following sketches (scenes) can be used to form the basis for a complete act of worship or used as individual scenes on separate occasions. Each scene will require a narrator to read the linkin
What Makes a Person Unclean
What Makes a Person Unclean
by Dave Hopwood
Food and Water Bible Ref: Matthew 9-11 & 13-16; Mark 6-8; Luke 9; John 6-7 Each of the following sketches (scenes) can be used to form the basis for a complete act of worship or used as individual scenes on separate occasions. Each scene will require a narrator to read the linkin
A Persistent Canaanite Woman
A Persistent Canaanite Woman
by Dave Hopwood
Food and Water Bible Ref: Matthew 9-11 & 13-16; Mark 6-8; Luke 9; John 6-7 Each of the following sketches (scenes) can be used to form the basis for a complete act of worship or used as individual scenes on separate occasions. Each scene will require a narrator to read the linkin
Intercessions for Years A, B and C Book - Lent 2 – Year C
Intercessions for Years A, B and C Book - Lent 2 – Year C
by SPCK - Ian Black
Lent 2 – Year C God our refuge and stronghold We put our trust in your salvation. Blessed are you, O Lord, for you draw all people to you. Give to your Church the same passion, that everyone may find a place within its embrace . . . Taken from Intercessions for Years A, B and C b
The Yeast of the Pharisees
The Yeast of the Pharisees
by Dave Hopwood
The Truth, the Whole Truth, and Nothing But… Bible Ref: Matthew 16-18; Mark 8 & 9; Luke 9; John 7-8 Each of the following sketches (scenes) can be used to form the basis for a complete act of worship or used as individual scenes on separate occasions. Each scene will require a na
Jesus Heals a Blind Man
Jesus Heals a Blind Man
by Dave Hopwood
The Truth, the Whole Truth, and Nothing But… Bible Ref: Matthew 16-18; Mark 8 & 9; Luke 9; John 7-8 Each of the following sketches (scenes) can be used to form the basis for a complete act of worship or used as individual scenes on separate occasions. Each scene will require a na
Peter's Declaration about Jesus
Peter's Declaration about Jesus
by Dave Hopwood
The Truth, the Whole Truth, and Nothing But… Bible Ref: Matthew 16-18; Mark 8 & 9; Luke 9; John 7-8 Each of the following sketches (scenes) can be used to form the basis for a complete act of worship or used as individual scenes on separate occasions. Each scene will require a na
The Transfiguration
The Transfiguration
by Dave Hopwood
The Truth, the Whole Truth, and Nothing But… Bible Ref: Matthew 16-18; Mark 8 & 9; Luke 9; John 7-8 Each of the following sketches (scenes) can be used to form the basis for a complete act of worship or used as individual scenes on separate occasions. Each scene will require a na
Money from a Fish's Mouth
Money from a Fish's Mouth
by Dave Hopwood
The Truth, the Whole Truth, and Nothing But… Bible Ref: Matthew 16-18; Mark 8 & 9; Luke 9; John 7-8 Each of the following sketches (scenes) can be used to form the basis for a complete act of worship or used as individual scenes on separate occasions. Each scene will require a na
Become Like a Child
Become Like a Child
by Dave Hopwood
The Truth, the Whole Truth, and Nothing But… Bible Ref: Matthew 16-18; Mark 8 & 9; Luke 9; John 7-8 Each of the following sketches (scenes) can be used to form the basis for a complete act of worship or used as individual scenes on separate occasions. Each scene will require a na
Who is the Greatest
Who is the Greatest
by Dave Hopwood
Who is the Greatest? Jesus: James – what were you and the others talking about on the way here today? James: Ah! Well – lots of things Lord… Jesus: Anything in particular? You appeared to have a heated debate at one point? James: Oh not really… Just… nothing. Jesus: John – what’s
The Unforgiving Servant
The Unforgiving Servant
by Dave Hopwood
The Unforgiving Servant King: Now, I suppose you know why I’ve called you here today? Servant: Er... to polish your boots, sir? King: No. Servant: Oh, er... to feed your Majesty’s royal dogs perhaps. King: No. Servant: Er... I know - to lend you some money? King: NO! I am the Kin
Counting the Cost
Counting the Cost
by Dave Hopwood
The Truth, the Whole Truth, and Nothing But… Bible Ref: Matthew 16-18; Mark 8 & 9; Luke 9; John 7-8 Each of the following sketches (scenes) can be used to form the basis for a complete act of worship or used as individual scenes on separate occasions. Each scene will require a na
The Temple Guards
The Temple Guards
by Dave Hopwood
The Truth, the Whole Truth, and Nothing But… Bible Ref: Matthew 16-18; Mark 8 & 9; Luke 9; John 7-8 Each of the following sketches (scenes) can be used to form the basis for a complete act of worship or used as individual scenes on separate occasions. Each scene will require a na
The Woman Caught in Adultery
The Woman Caught in Adultery
by Dave Hopwood
The Truth, the Whole Truth, and Nothing But… Bible Ref: Matthew 16-18; Mark 8 & 9; Luke 9; John 7-8 Each of the following sketches (scenes) can be used to form the basis for a complete act of worship or used as individual scenes on separate occasions. Each scene will require a na
The Light of the World
The Light of the World
by Dave Hopwood
Seeing and Believing Bible Ref: Luke 10-13; John 9 & 10 Each of the following sketches (scenes) can be used to form the basis for a complete act of worship or used as individual scenes on separate occasions. Each scene will require a narrator to read the linking text as well as t
The Truth Will Set You Free
The Truth Will Set You Free
by Dave Hopwood
The Truth Will Set You Free Jesus: When you have lifted up the Son of Man – remember this conversation. Then you will know I am who I claim to be. Pharisee: And then what? Jesus: Then if you hold onto my teaching you will know the truth – and the truth will set you free. Are you
The Blind Man's Story
The Blind Man's Story
by Dave Hopwood
Seeing and Believing Bible Ref: Luke 10-13; John 9 & 10 Each of the following sketches (scenes) can be used to form the basis for a complete act of worship or used as individual scenes on separate occasions. Each scene will require a narrator to read the linking text as well as t
The Good Shepherd
The Good Shepherd
by Dave Hopwood
Seeing and Believing Bible Ref: Luke 10-13; John 9 & 10 Each of the following sketches (scenes) can be used to form the basis for a complete act of worship or used as individual scenes on separate occasions. Each scene will require a narrator to read the linking text as well as t
Jesus Sends Out Seventy Two Followers
Jesus Sends Out Seventy Two Followers
by Dave Hopwood
Seeing and Believing Bible Ref: Luke 10-13; John 9 & 10 Each of the following sketches (scenes) can be used to form the basis for a complete act of worship or used as individual scenes on separate occasions. Each scene will require a narrator to read the linking text as well as t
The Good Samaritan
The Good Samaritan
by Dave Hopwood
Seeing and Believing Bible Ref: Luke 10-13; John 9 & 10 Each of the following sketches (scenes) can be used to form the basis for a complete act of worship or used as individual scenes on separate occasions. Each scene will require a narrator to read the linking text as well as t
Martha and Mary
Martha and Mary
by Dave Hopwood
Seeing and Believing Bible Ref: Luke 10-13; John 9 & 10 Each of the following sketches (scenes) can be used to form the basis for a complete act of worship or used as individual scenes on separate occasions. Each scene will require a narrator to read the linking text as well as t
Clean Up on the Inside
Clean Up on the Inside
by Dave Hopwood
Seeing and Believing Bible Ref: Luke 10-13; John 9 & 10 Each of the following sketches (scenes) can be used to form the basis for a complete act of worship or used as individual scenes on separate occasions. Each scene will require a narrator to read the linking text as well as t
Be Ready and Prepared for the Son of Man
Be Ready and Prepared for the Son of Man
by Dave Hopwood
Seeing and Believing Bible Ref: Luke 10-13; John 9 & 10 Each of the following sketches (scenes) can be used to form the basis for a complete act of worship or used as individual scenes on separate occasions. Each scene will require a narrator to read the linking text as well as t
Jesus Heals a Crippled Woman on the Sabbath
Jesus Heals a Crippled Woman on the Sabbath
by Dave Hopwood
Seeing and Believing Bible Ref: Luke 10-13; John 9 & 10 Each of the following sketches (scenes) can be used to form the basis for a complete act of worship or used as individual scenes on separate occasions. Each scene will require a narrator to read the linking text as well as t
Jesus Heals on the Sabbath
Jesus Heals on the Sabbath
by Dave Hopwood
Money, Money, Money Bible Ref: Luke 13-17 Each of the following sketches (scenes) can be used to form the basis for a complete act of worship or used as individual scenes on separate occasions. Each scene will require a narrator to read the linking text as well as the characters
The Great Banquet
The Great Banquet
by Dave Hopwood
Money, Money, Money Bible Ref: Luke 13-17 Each of the following sketches (scenes) can be used to form the basis for a complete act of worship or used as individual scenes on separate occasions. Each scene will require a narrator to read the linking text as well as the characters
The Tower Builder and the Warring King
The Tower Builder and the Warring King
by Dave Hopwood
Money, Money, Money Bible Ref: Luke 13-17 Each of the following sketches (scenes) can be used to form the basis for a complete act of worship or used as individual scenes on separate occasions. Each scene will require a narrator to read the linking text as well as the characters
The Lost Sheep
The Lost Sheep
by Dave Hopwood
Money, Money, Money Bible Ref: Luke 13-17 Each of the following sketches (scenes) can be used to form the basis for a complete act of worship or used as individual scenes on separate occasions. Each scene will require a narrator to read the linking text as well as the characters
The Lost Coin
The Lost Coin
by Dave Hopwood
Money, Money, Money Bible Ref: Luke 13-17 Each of the following sketches (scenes) can be used to form the basis for a complete act of worship or used as individual scenes on separate occasions. Each scene will require a narrator to read the linking text as well as the characters
Who Needs to Repent?
Who Needs to Repent?
by Dave Hopwood
Money, Money, Money Bible Ref: Luke 13-17 Each of the following sketches (scenes) can be used to form the basis for a complete act of worship or used as individual scenes on separate occasions. Each scene will require a narrator to read the linking text as well as the characters
The Shrewd Manager
The Shrewd Manager
by Dave Hopwood
Money, Money, Money Bible Ref: Luke 13-17 Each of the following sketches (scenes) can be used to form the basis for a complete act of worship or used as individual scenes on separate occasions. Each scene will require a narrator to read the linking text as well as the characters
Lazarus and Dives
Lazarus and Dives
by Dave Hopwood
Money, Money, Money Bible Ref: Luke 13-17 Each of the following sketches (scenes) can be used to form the basis for a complete act of worship or used as individual scenes on separate occasions. Each scene will require a narrator to read the linking text as well as the characters
Good Saviour Jesus‚ mercy show
Good Saviour Jesus‚ mercy show
by Norman J Goreham (1931-2021)
TO GOD WITH ALL OUR HEART RETURN (A HYMN FOR THE LENTEN SEASON) Good Saviour Jesus‚ mercy show to your whole church now penitent‚ that we in godliness may grow throughout these forty days of Lent. This living sacrifice we make: your patient love for us discern‚ the cycle of our s
Luke for Everyone - Jesus Grieves Over Jerusalem
Luke for Everyone - Jesus Grieves Over Jerusalem
by SPCK - N T Wright
Jesus Grieves Over Jerusalem Luke 13.31-35 The house I live in was built after the Second World War. It replaced the much older one that stood here before, which was burnt to ashes one night in 1941, after a fire-bomb, dropped by an enemy aircraft, landed right on it. The people
Luke for Everyone - The Cost of Discipleship
Luke for Everyone - The Cost of Discipleship
by SPCK - N T Wright
The Cost of Discipleship Luke 14.25-35 Imagine a politician standing on a soap-box addressing a crowd. ‘If you’re going to vote for me,’ he says, ‘you’re voting to lose your homes and families; you’re asking for higher taxes and lower wages; you’re deciding in favour of losing al
Gazing on the Gospels year c - The Second Sunday of Lent Year C
Gazing on the Gospels year c - The Second Sunday of Lent Year C
by SPCK - Judith Dimond
The Second Sunday of Lent Luke 13.31-35 Gaze on Jerusalem today, in greater need than ever of her children being gathered together in harmony. It is a city divided between Jew and Muslim, Jew and Christian, with no-go areas armed by guns. Churches are locked. Doubt and suspicion
Twelve Months of Sunday year c - The Second Sunday of Lent Year C
Twelve Months of Sunday year c - The Second Sunday of Lent Year C
by SPCK - N T Wright
The Second Sunday of Lent Genesis 15.1–12, 17–18 Philippians 3.17—4.1 Luke 13.31–end The question raised by Philippians 3.17 is: how on earth can the Philippian church, Gentile Christians mostly, ‘join in imitating’ Paul? The chapter so far describes how Paul came to regard his o
Lectionary Reflection Year C - The Second Sunday of Lent Year C
Lectionary Reflection Year C - The Second Sunday of Lent Year C
by SPCK - Jane Williams
The Second Sunday of Lent Genesis 15.1–12, 17–18 Philippians 3.17—4.1 Luke 13.31–5 Conversations between God and Abraham are always worth listening to. You can’t help noticing that God likes Abraham, and talks to him, man to man, and that Abraham talks freely, even cheekily to Go
Journeying with Luke - Lent
Journeying with Luke - Lent
by SPCK - Woodward, Gooder and Pryce
4 Lent Exploring the text One of the major themes of Lent is, of course, temptation – or, more accurately, resistance to temptation. This theme arises from Jesus’ temptations but also challenges us to reflect upon our need to resist temptation in all its forms. One of the intrigu
Impossible gifts are with God for the giving
Impossible gifts are with God for the giving
by Andrew Pratt
Impossible gifts are with God for the giving, the answer to questions, the focus of dreams; for God offers hope and in grace is forgiving transcending our hatred, confronting our schemes. Imagine a picture of worthy acceptance where strangers are welcomed as though they are frien
Reflection: Impossibilities
Reflection: Impossibilities
by Marjorie Dobson
Reflection: Impossibilities When Alice went Through the Looking Glass, the White Queen told her that in her youth she had managed to ‘believe as many as six impossible things before breakfast.’ She was an amateur when compared with Abram, or Abraham, as he’d become known when his
Beneath the wings of eagles
Beneath the wings of eagles
by Andrew Pratt
Beneath the wings of eagles we shelter in God's grace; within the midst of trouble we see a kindly face. The storms may roar about us with trouble close at hand, but God will hold and shield us, within God's love we stand. Verse 3 follows Tune: CHERRY TREE CAROL Metre:
Prayer/Reflection: Of whom shall I be afraid?
Prayer/Reflection: Of whom shall I be afraid?
by Marjorie Dobson
Prayer/Reflection: Of whom shall I be afraid? ‘The Lord is the stronghold of my life – of whom shall I be afraid? Tell that to the sufferers of domestic violence; to the children neglected or abused; to the women raped by men with guns; to the families left homeless by floods; to
Poem: The Journey
Poem: The Journey
by Marjorie Dobson
Poem: The Journey The past is a safe place. No matter what happened there – how many mistakes were made; how many tragic events occurred; how many fears were anticipated; how many new situations were faced; how many decisions were necessary; how many tears were shed, either of jo
Poem: Determination
Poem: Determination
by Marjorie Dobson
Poem: Determination Nothing could deter him. Not religious opposition. Not the wily Herod. Not the prophetic predictions. Not the Pharisees with their plotting, nor the teachers with their testing, nor the disciples and their doubting. Nothing could stop him. Continues... ©Marjor
Through the city streets they hurried
Through the city streets they hurried
by Andrew Pratt
Through the city streets they hurried where each shadow, like a shroud, hung across the darkened doorways, sounds of commerce echoed, loud. This had been the scene of bloodshed, Hist’ry heard, a nation sighed, factions fought and people suffered, mothers wept while children cried
Monologue: Jesus and Herod
Monologue: Jesus and Herod
by Andrew Pratt
Monologue: Jesus and Herod I love me. No, don't get me wrong. I know you can see me! And I see myself in the mirror...each morning. Seeing me waking up is not a pretty sight! I'm not always proud of what I say or do. I have my regrets, oh yes. But...you knew there'd be a but, but
Monologue: Thoughts of a Pharisee
Monologue: Thoughts of a Pharisee
by David John Woodman
The monologue "Thoughts of a Pharisee" can be used separately or with the following talk & challenge. It is based on Lent 2 year C readings from Luke 13:31-35 (Monologue) & Phillipians 3:17-4:1 (Challenge). Thoughts of a Pharisee considering if he did what was right in telling Je
Prayers of Intercession for the Second Sunday in Lent
Prayers of Intercession for the Second Sunday in Lent
by Christine Dutton
Prayers of Intercession for the Second Sunday in Lent These prayers were written to go alongside a service for the Second Sunday in Lent, based on the gospel passage in Luke 13: 31-35. I was particularly struck by the words in verse 34: ‘How many times have I wanted to put my arm
Restarting with Abraham
Restarting with Abraham
by David Perry
Image accompanying reflection Imagining the Lectionary- Restarting with Abraham (Lent 2C) Image suitable for use in a PowerPoint slide (see below) PowerPoint Slide Size- This image is full size which is 2000 x 1329 pixels and 1MB The ideal way to insert into PowerPoint is:- Reduc
Imagining the Lectionary: Restarting with Abraham (Lent 2C)
Imagining the Lectionary: Restarting with Abraham (Lent 2C)
by David Perry
Imagining the Lectionary: Restarting with Abraham (Lent 2C) Reflection accompanying image “Restarting with Abraham” When a particular piece of software starts to behave oddly, becomes sluggish or unresponsive or is incapable of being shut down properly - perhaps bringing with it
LWPT Meditations - Second Sunday in Lent - Year C
LWPT Meditations - Second Sunday in Lent - Year C
by Susan Thorne
Meditation –2nd Sunday in Lent Year C Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18 Psalm 27 Philippians 3:17- 4:1 Luke 13:31-35 In the Old Testament, we come across people doing things very differently from what we do both in daily life and in worship – offering animals (Leviticus 1:1-17), pouring oil
Meditation - 2nd Sunday in Lent Year C
Meditation - 2nd Sunday in Lent Year C
by David Middleton
Meditation – 2nd Sunday in Lent Yr C The Fox and the Hen Luke 13:31-35 I have beheaded John, so who is this I am hearing about? The final chapter has begun, The forces of destruction are beginning to gather, The powers of this world are closing ranks... Created by David Middleton
With My WholeHeart - Psalm 27:15-16
With My WholeHeart - Psalm 27:15-16
by SPCK - James Jones
Psalm 27:15-16 With these words I began to come to terms with the news that I was to have major heart surgery. All of us have our own stories of confronting something we dread, and then feeling faint. Ever since doing biology at school I had been squeamish and nervous about the i
Genesis for Everyone Part 1 - Do Not Be Afraid
Genesis for Everyone Part 1 - Do Not Be Afraid
by SPCK - John Goldingay
Do Not Be Afraid Genesis 15: 1-6a When my mother died, I rode to her funeral with our rector. I say “our rector” though he had arrived at the church only after I was myself ordained, and he reminded me that one of the first services he conducted had been my father’s funeral. Whil
Genesis for Everyone Part 1 - I Don't Sweat
Genesis for Everyone Part 1 - I Don't Sweat
by SPCK - John Goldingay
I Don’t Sweat Genesis 15: 6b-7 On the day before his inauguration as president, someone asked Barack Obama whether he was sweating. “Nah, I don’t sweat,” he replied. “You ever see me sweat?” Not yet, but it’s early, a news report commented. When I was about to move to the United
Genesis for Everyone Part 1 - How Do You Know?
Genesis for Everyone Part 1 - How Do You Know?
by SPCK - John Goldingay
How Do You Know? Genesis 15: 8-15 A friend of mine has been in the process of falling in love with someone he met through an online dating service. She lives in a city some way away, far enough to make driving there for the weekend possible but not much fun, so he often flies, bu
Genesis for Everyone Part 1 - On Not Being Able to Have a Baby
Genesis for Everyone Part 1 - On Not Being Able to Have a Baby
by SPCK - John Goldingay
On Not Being Able to Have a Baby Genesis 16: 1-4a People who cannot have children may go to huge lengths to fulfill their longing. Yesterday I noticed in the newspaper an advertisement for a free lunch and seminar on how to start a family by surrogacy. It involved going to India,
Genesis for Everyone Part 1 - The Complications of Surrogacy
Genesis for Everyone Part 1 - The Complications of Surrogacy
by SPCK - John Goldingay
The Complications of Surrogacy Genesis 16: 4b-7 Establishing whether a couple’s problem in having children lies in the man or the woman involves stressful processes of medical investigation. When a woman who had gone through such procedures told me her husband had a zero sperm co
Genesis for Everyone Part 1 - Better with Abraham and Sarah than in Egypt
Genesis for Everyone Part 1 - Better with Abraham and Sarah than in Egypt
by SPCK - John Goldingay
Better with Abraham and Sarah than in Egypt Genesis 16: 8-16 Toward the last years of my time as a seminary principal in England, the demands of the job took a toll on me. One reason you get paid more if you are the boss of anything is that you are the person who lies awake at ni
Paul and the Faithfulness of God - The Story Retold: Second-Temple Literature
Paul and the Faithfulness of God - The Story Retold: Second-Temple Literature
by SPCK - N T Wright
Chapter TWO LIKE BIRDS HOVERING OVERHEAD: THE FAITHFULNESS OF THE GOD OF ISRAEL (ii) The Continuous Story (c) The Story Retold: Second-Temple Literature Similar retellings of the story of Israel, from various angles depending on the particular interest, are found across different
Paul and the Faithfulness of God - The Story Retold : After AD 70
Paul and the Faithfulness of God - The Story Retold : After AD 70
by SPCK - N T Wright
Chapter TWO LIKE BIRDS HOVERING OVERHEAD: THE FAITHFULNESS OF THE GOD OF ISRAEL (ii) The Continuous Story (d) The Story Retold: After AD 70 It might have appeared that with the destruction of the Temple in AD 70 the great narrative had come to an end. Some of the most important r
by Rose humphrey
TIP- PowerPoint Slide Size- The ideal way to insert into PowerPoint is:- • Reduce the image size to 1024x768 pixels using your image editing software. (Will reduce image proportionally) • Insert as Picture in the normal way. • If needed fill the slide area by placing the image in
The Living God - Images as windows into God
The Living God - Images as windows into God
by SPCK - Alister McGrath
Which God Are We Talking About? 1 Images as windows into God A picture is worth a thousand words.’ Being able to show someone a picture of a beautiful scene, a complicated piece of machinery or a pet cat goes a long way towards making up for the limitations of human words. So per
Rhythms of remembering - Christmas - Saturday Evening Prayer
Rhythms of remembering - Christmas - Saturday Evening Prayer
by SPCK - Hannah Ward & Jennifer Wild
CHRISTMAS - Saturday Morning Prayer Blessed are you, O God, the strength of my life and my joy. You are the everlasting One, Creator of the ends of the earth. You will not grow faint or weary, and your understanding is unsearchable. You revive the faint and strengthen the weary.
Four Gospels, One Jesus - What about the authors?
Four Gospels, One Jesus - What about the authors?
by SPCK - Richard A Burridge
What about the authors? Redaction and composition I cannot always read my favourite newspaper at coffee-time in our staff common room, because someone else has bagged it already! Never mind, there are others around, and reading various papers reveals their different styles and vi
Four Gospels, One Jesus - The ox plods a long, slow journey
Four Gospels, One Jesus - The ox plods a long, slow journey
by SPCK - Richard A Burridge
The ox plods a long, slow journey Luke’s style and structure Unlike Mark’s disorderly rushing about, Luke writes an ‘orderly account’ (1.4). His preface has a calm, literary self-confidence, and this continues into the main narrative. While Mark introduces everything ‘and immedia
Four Gospels, One Jesus - Those who are burdened with heavy loads
Four Gospels, One Jesus - Those who are burdened with heavy loads
by SPCK - Richard A Burridge
Those who are burdened with heavy loads The ministry of the ox The keynote for Luke’s portrait of Jesus is set in his initial visit to the synagogue at Nazareth (4.16–30). Luke’s story is three times longer than the equivalent accounts which occur much later in Mark and Matthew (
by SPCK - Newsom, Ringe and Lapsley
Book I (Pss. 1-41) Book I opens, in Psalm 1, with words encouraging faithful meditation upon the Torah. The book continues in Psalm 2 with words of warning to the nations and their rulers to recognize the God of Israel as king over all. The psalms are framed (1:1 and 2:11) with t
by SPCK - Newsom, Ringe and Lapsley
“The True Circumcision” (Phil. 3:3) In his passionate plea to watch out for opponents of the gospel (3:2–3), particularly any possible opponents who preach the necessity of circumcision, Paul prepares the Philippians to counter false teaching (literally, “the mutilation,” 3:2) by
The Womens' Bible Commentary - The Mothers and Fathers of Israel
The Womens' Bible Commentary - The Mothers and Fathers of Israel
by SPCK - Newsom, Ringe and Lapsley
The Mothers and Fathers of Israel Commentaries on Genesis 12–50 generally focus on Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph, ancestral heroes of Israel. Their life stories are built from traditional elements such as the hero’s unusual birth, his stormy relationship with his brothers, yo
glimpses of glory - The Sunday Next Before Lent - Year C
glimpses of glory - The Sunday Next Before Lent - Year C
by SPCK - David Adam
The Sunday Next Before Lent Almighty Father God of grace and goodness, awaken us to your glory, that our lives may reflect your radiance, that we may share in your likeness, and in walking in the way of Christ our Lord may reveal your love to the world; through the same Christ ou
52 Reflections on Faith - Transfiguration: shining with God’s love
52 Reflections on Faith - Transfiguration: shining with God’s love
by BRF - Stephen W. Need
Transfiguration: shining with God’s love Wouldn’t it be wonderful if the whole world were to shine with the love of God? That sounds idealistic, doesn’t it? If anyone actually said that, you might wonder whether they had read the newspapers lately or were at all aware of what was
The Act of Prayer Year C - Sunday Next Before Lent - Year C
The Act of Prayer Year C - Sunday Next Before Lent - Year C
by BRF - John Birch
Sunday Next before Lent Year C The Act of Prayer Praying through the lectionary EXODUS 34:29–35; PSALM 99; 2 CORINTHIANS 3:12—4:2; LUKE 9:28–36 [37–43] Opening prayer We meet today, Lord God, not as in the days of Moses when a physical barrier, the veil, separated the people from
The Act of Prayer Year C - Second Sunday of Lent Year C
The Act of Prayer Year C - Second Sunday of Lent Year C
by BRF - John Birch
Second Sunday of Lent Year C Opening prayer We come together to worship the God of Abraham, the God of Jacob and the God of David. We worship the one true God, creator of all, Lord of all, our strength and hope, our light and our salvation. We come together as family, joined by t
Times and Seasons - Full Service - Second Sunday of Lent - Year C
Times and Seasons - Full Service - Second Sunday of Lent - Year C
by Andrew Pratt and Marjorie Dobson
Second Sunday of Lent Year C Service Contents: Hymn: God is love, let heaven adore him or Impossible gifts are with God for the giving Prayer: Psalm 27 reflection: Of whom shall I be afraid? Hymn: In heavenly love abiding or Beneath the wings of eagles Reading: Genesis 15:1-12, 1
Fresh Thoughts For Sunday - Fresh Thoughts For Sunday Issue 104 21/02/16
Fresh Thoughts For Sunday - Fresh Thoughts For Sunday Issue 104 21/02/16
by Twelvebaskets Ltd
A selection of commentary, reflection and prayer ideas from various Christian authors and the full bible texts from the NRSV for this week's lectionary. NOW INCLUDING SERIALISED BOOKS FROM SPCK AND CONTRIBUTIONS FROM BRF. Check below for details. Subscribe to Fresh Thoughts For S
Jesus anointed with perfume
Jesus anointed with perfume
by Colin Smith
This reflection /short sermon (680words) considers the action of Mary in anointing Jesus with very expensive perfume. Judas’s questioning Jesus’s response in praising her for the act is considered, in the light of the prevalent teaching on how the treatment of the poor should be
CHRISTIANITY AND THE RENEWAL OF NATURE - 3c Reading Luke and saving the planet
CHRISTIANITY AND THE RENEWAL OF NATURE - 3c Reading Luke and saving the planet
by SPCK - Sebastian C.H. Kim and Jonathan Draper
Reading Luke and saving the planet After this brief snapshot of Palestine then and now, I return to the central issue: how does reading Luke affect the agenda of global warming? We have looked at the context for Jesus’ ministry, but what of its content?…
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Fresh Thoughts For Sunday - Fresh Thoughts for Sunday Issue 263
by Twelvebaskets Ltd
A selection of commentary, reflection and prayer ideas from various Christian authors and the full bible texts from the NRSV for this week's lectionary. NOW INCLUDING SERIALISED BOOKS FROM SPCK AND CONTRIBUTIONS FROM BRF. Check below for details. Subscribe to Fresh Thoughts For S
Following Christ